When Matic Borković first picked up a camera as a teenager, he had no idea the role film would play in his life. Decades later, he is a well-respected creative professional, working across commercials, corporate videos, and also cooperating locally with Canon, giving lectures and helping to represent the brand at the most important events in Slovenia.
As a mentor, he has organised and led the Canon Young People Programme workshops for two consecutive years, resulting in two exhibitions and two short films. "I'm a storyteller," he says. "If you want to be a good storyteller, you need to understand what is best for your client, and the best way to tell the story so that it will resonate with the right audience. You really have to understand how to craft your message in the right way, so the right community hears it."
Matic Borković
Born and raised in the Slovenian town of Slovenj Gradec, Matic was exposed to the world of photography from a young age, as his uncle worked as a professional photographer. "I was always interested in technology, and when I was in high school, the influx of digital photography started to happen," he explains. "On every school field trip, I was usually the guy taking photos. I was filling up the quite small-capacity memory cards and draining the batteries!"
Specialist areas: Filmmaking, directing
Favourite kit: Canon EOS C70
Canon FD 55mm f/1.2 SSC Aspherical
Matic initially did a course in computer engineering, before studying graphic and interactive communications at the University of Ljubljana. But his passion for photography continued to grow while also working as a Canon promoter, and he went professional in 2012. Six years later, he set up his own company, 8Production (pronounced as 'awesome production' in Slovene), which specialises in creating visually stunning motion pictures.
"The progression from photography came naturally because this was the era when social media started," explains Matic. "Compared to other photographers who usually find a genre, stick with it and develop it as a business, I was always striving to get the broadest photography knowledge. For about 10 years, I worked on many film sets as a camera assistant, learning a lot about video along the way. So, my DoP, Klemen Smolar, and I started filming and producing our first commercial films."
Matic was one of the first photographers to try the full-frame mirrorless Canon EOS RP. For the launch campaign in Slovenia, he and his crew created a unique set for a short film (above), which featured a swimming pool filled with about 500 litres of water and 250 litres of tonic to make the water glow under the UV light.
Today, the company works on dynamic and carefully-crafted videos for a range of clients in Slovenia and abroad. As for what's next? Matic has many plans. "Watching production companies that are a few steps ahead of us, the logical step would be to start working with big creative agencies," he says. "But the mutual opinion among my crew is that we'd rather work directly with customers, thus keeping more influence over the creative concepts, and the decision making. This way, we can create films influenced by our own unique identity. We are establishing ourselves as a boutique creative video agency.
"But my main goal is always to have fun doing my job. I have the power to choose what I do, and it's important to me that my work contributes towards a better world. We love to tell the stories that we feel need to be told."
Vous avez exploré un large éventail de genres photographiques. Avez-vous un genre de prédilection ?
« Je suis un conteur et j'essaie toujours de proposer la meilleure histoire. Cela va généralement à l'encontre du bon sens des affaires, lorsque vous faites juste ce qu'il faut pour que le client soit satisfait et que vous en tiriez le maximum d'argent en un minimum de temps. Avoir une vision plus large reste toujours ma priorité. Ce n'est pas vraiment le domaine qui prime, mais la production d'un travail étonnant qui démontre des niveaux de production élevés. C'est important pour nous de tracer notre propre voie. »
Jusqu'à présent, quel a été le moment de votre carrière dont vous êtes le plus fier ?
« Je me souviens du premier gros contrat signé avec une société de marketing locale. J'ai insisté pour obtenir plus que ce que le client était prêt à payer, mais j'avais le bon état d'esprit et une bonne compréhension de ses besoins, et j'ai obtenu le montant que je souhaitais. Le directeur m'a pris la main, m'a regardé dans les yeux et m'a dit : 'Vous êtes un très bon négociateur'. D'un point de vue commercial, c'était un grand moment. Je suis également très fier de notre publicité pour une société de négoce d'or et de métaux précieux. C'était un excellent exemple de coopération mutuelle, depuis la proposition créative initiale jusqu'au résultat très soigné. Nous avons conçu, présenté et produit une histoire incroyable. L'ambiance sur le plateau était géniale et le client était vraiment satisfait de notre service. »
Quel est l'enseignement le plus utile que vous ayez tiré de votre carrière ?
« Au début de ma carrière, il y avait un photographe local que j'admirais beaucoup. C'était la nouvelle ère de la photographie, l'ère numérique. Lorsque je lui ai demandé conseil, il m'a répondu : 'J'ai dépensé beaucoup d'argent pour apprendre tout cela, alors mes conseils ne seront pas gratuits'. Avant que tout ne soit sur Internet, la seule façon de découvrir des astuces sophistiquées était de payer des cours et d'apprendre auprès de professionnels. À ce moment-là, je me souviens avoir décidé que j'essaierais d'être différent ; que je partagerais mes connaissances avec les autres. Désormais, je fais le maximum pour aider les autres, car je sais ce que c'est que de débuter. »
Quelles sont vos ambitions encore insatisfaites ?
« Dans notre collectif, nous voulons raconter des histoires étonnantes de la meilleure façon qui soit. Ce qui compte pour nous en priorité, c'est la passion derrière le projet et le fait de permettre aux gens de faire de leur mieux. Mon objectif principal est de mettre en relation des personnes hautement qualifiées et passionnées par leur travail, de leur offrir une plateforme plus large et de m'assurer que chacun en tire le meilleur parti. »
Ce que je sais
Matic Borković
« Travaillez. Apprenez-en davantage sur l'aspect commercial du secteur de la photo et de la vidéo et ne faites pas semblant avant d'y être parvenu. Au fil des ans, j'ai rencontré de nombreux clients qui avaient du mal à faire confiance aux créatifs, car ils ont été 'trahis' par des personnes qui surestimaient leurs capacités, facturaient trop cher et fournissaient ensuite un travail de qualité inférieure. Efforcez-vous toujours d'obtenir le meilleur – le meilleur pour l'histoire. Pour ce faire, vous avez besoin d'un grand sens de l'esthétique, et d'une bonne compréhension de votre client, du produit, du public et de la manière de raconter cette histoire. »
Instagram : @8production.eu
LinkedIn : Matic Borković
Matic Borković's kitbag
The key kit that the pros use to take their photographs
Canon EOS C70
This RF mount Cinema EOS System camera features Canon's 4K Super 35mm DGO sensor. "Because of the integrated DGO sensor – which is nothing short of amazing – the dynamic range, low light performance and colours are just epic," says Matic. "The quality surprises us again and again. The integrated ND filters save so much time – having that ability at the press of a button is just great."
Canon EOS 5
This analogue film camera was the world's first 35mm SLR camera with eye-controlled focus. "This is such an important camera for me; it brought me back to photography and I fell in love with taking photos again," says Matic. "Film forces you to slow down and think about the shot you are about to take. This camera has retaught me so many lessons about the importance of storytelling, composition, and my approach to creative work. It helps me to be better."
Canon RF 28-70mm F2L USM
A super-fast and bright 28-70mm f/2 L-series lens, giving stunning results, even in low light. "This lens is a technological marvel," says Matic. "Its technical excellence means we mostly use it for interviews, events and run-and-gun work. If an on-set assignment includes still photos, this is my go-to lens. It covers the most important focal lengths, and delivers exceptional crisp and detailed photos every time."
Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM
This lens is favoured for its natural perspective, low-light capability and extraordinary optical performance. "For me, 35mm on a full-frame sensor is one of the best focal lengths," says Matic. "Being able to capture really wide scenes while still getting just the right amount of background blur has helped me to capture some of the best photos of my career."
Canon FD 55mm f/1.2 SSC Aspherical
"Since the adoption of mirrorless cameras, I've been collecting vintage Canon FD lenses," says Matic. "We try to implement a fresh, unexpected and unique way of storytelling into our work, complementing that with a carefully crafted visual look that can be greatly enriched using vintage and special lenses. This gem stands out for its optical characteristics."
Canon Mount Adapter EF-EOS R 0.71x
An EF to RF adapter which allows a broad range of Canon EF lenses to be used on the EOS C70. "This is an absolute must-have," says Matic. "It gives you a full-frame field of view when using EF lenses, and adds a stop of light to your existing aperture. It means we can use our existing line-up of Canon EF lenses with the EOS C70."
Generic FD and PL to EOS R adapters
"Often clients request a specific look that can only be achieved using vintage glass, so these adapters are essential," says Matic. "For art projects, we tend to opt for Canon FD lenses, which combine a pleasant, creamy look with great optical and mechanical properties."
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